ALT - All Linoleum Table Frame
Designed by Keiji Takeuchi

The ALT table system by Keiji Takeuchi features a unique conical base lined with rolled-up linoleum. This base embeds a portable weight tank which when filled with water or sand, ensures stability while reducing the overall weight during transportation, and so minimizing environmental impact.
With two sizes of cone-shaped bases to choose from, the ALT system offers a wide range of table configurations. The table can be optionally equipped with integrated cable management features. These include a cable tray and a cable hole at the base, as well as a linoleum-covered lid that sits flush with the table surface and helps guide cables as needed.
These discreet details add functionality to the table surface, lending ALT as readily to working and studying as to dining and meeting, in both private and public spaces.
Manufacturer: Faust Linoleum / Designer: Keiji Takeuchi / Material: Linoleum, Valchromat, Bonded Leather / Weight: 25,0-43,0 kg / Made in Germany / Details: Dimensions: H 72 cm, Ø36 cm (S), Ø42 cm (L) / ALT table frame requires assembly. The weight mentioned above refer to the individual cones before they are filled with water or sand.